Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

Ubuntu Unleashed 2008 Edition: Covering 8.04 and 8.10 (4th Edition)

Ubuntu Unleashed 2008 Edisi cakupan yang komprehensif dari distro populer Ubuntu Linux. Pengguna Windows, Mac pengguna, dan Linux Ubuntu kita menjadi semakin user-friendly, mudah digunakan oleh semua orang. Buku ini memberikan informasi rinci tentang memasang, menggunakan, dan administrasi Ubuntu. Anda akan mempelajari bagaimana untuk membuat sebuah workstation atau server, dan Anda akan menemukan rincian lengkap pada Ubuntu mudah digunakan dan produktivitas perangkat lunak desktop. Ubuntu Unleashed 2008 Edisi mencakup berbagai cakupan: Dari software yang anda butuhkan dalam pekerjaan Anda sehari-hari, seperti produktivitas OpenOffice.org suite, bagaimana mengkonfigurasi desktop Linux anda berjalan dengan baik menggunakan beberapa printer, shell script, dan banyak lagi.

Beberapa review yang bisa kubaca tentang buku ini adalah :

College-level and serious programming collections will find UBUNTU UNLEASHED 2008 EDITION an excellent acquisition, presenting a fine coverage of Ubuntu Linux for Windows, Max and Linux users. From basic installation and using its features to setting up server workstations and productive Linux designs, UBUNTU UNLEASHED comes from professional developers and writers and makes for a comprehensive coverage of all the professional details. Diane C. Donovan (California Bookwatch)
First off, this book is not for beginners. Second, the information is not in any order and has a cobbled-together format which is annoying and even confusing; so much so that I even returned it. I agree with the criticisms given in the other reviews so no need to repeat all that. If you’re an absolute beginner with Ubuntu, Marcel Gagne’s book: “Moving to Ubuntu Linux” is very good, but not great. A very good book that’s more advanced is William Von Hagen’s: “ubuntu Linux bible” - but he’s coming out with an updated version in 2/09, so you could wait for that. I just got into using the Ubuntu OS and have to say I like it a lot, but you still have to use the command line for some things and I have yet to see any book that explains it in easy to understand terms. Mark Stanwick “Marko” (USA)


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